Thursday, May 9, 2013

Vixen (The Flappers #1) - Review

flappers. girls in rebellious dresses. and boys with dangerous intentions.
gangsters. speakeasies. and forbidden love.
it's 1923. "and anything goes".
Vixen was a roller coaster of secrets, alcohol, and dangerously invigorating love triangles. The first Flapper book in a whirlwind series encased so much and covers the grounds of crazy ex-besties, picture perfect couples with cheating scandals behind closed doors, vengeful souls, and partying far past bedtime.
I really enjoyed the teenagers and young adults in the book, but I couldn't bring myself to pick up the second book in the trilogy. The sporadic drama and topsy-turvy plot twists made me invest too much into the characters (more than I was comfortable with because I grew attached). If you think about it, that's not such a bad complaint about the book. Maybe one day I'll finish the series, but as for now, I'm remaining a one-timer.
Overall, historical fiction is my #1 favorite genre of these past couple of years, besides the few other dystopia and fantasy hits!